Saturday, 24 November 2012

Quick guide to Facebook, Facebook pro and cons


This is a Quick info about Facebook which is a very well know website which is widely used for social networking.
So many people are using Facebook and because of its wild use it is in top 10 earning website.
Some information are sorted for your ease 

Founder : Mark Zuckerberg  Is the Founder of Facebook And because of his website he became the youngest billionaire , He is a good looking man and lots of fans but he have color phobia he can see blue and Red properly that's why his website Facebook contain mostly of Blue and Red color.

Feature of Facebook :
 Its a social networking site with a lot of features . . .

Posts : Anything you upload or share is a new post in Facebook.

Like : Its an option to give your views that you like a specific thing. you can also like pages and join groups

Notifications : Every activity is being notified e.g anyone likes your post

Messages :  If someone from your friend list or out your friend list simply message you This activity shows in Special Message area

Chat : If someone from your friends are online you can chat them

Add as a Friend : Through this you can add people to your Friend lists

Friends:  People added in your friends list

Subscribe : Its a way to keep knowing activities of people you subscribe Some people don't give the option to add as a friend so you can subscribe to their updates or you can still subscribe to updates of your friend

Flaws problems of Facebook :

Fake people : There are plenty of fake id and fake people as every online social networking website has

You get addicted : Facebook addicts  just keep using Facebook

Bored :  you get really bored some times

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